Friday, November 18, 2022


 Call to resume predictions came early in the morning and I did not write down the date and time.  I only include this at this point to confirm or adjust later readings which I will document.  Approximate date in future to confirm would be December 1st.  

Cryptocurrency as an interest for my readers.  

Strongly up will be :

(values were written at time of reading)

Polka dot at 6.19

Cosmos at 11.89

Ravencoin at 0.03112

Strongly down will be: 

Ethereum at 1,316.22

Etherium Classic at 23.21

Tether at 1.00

Gain will be Cardano at 0.37 

Maintaining will be Dogecoin at 0.0592

Bitcoin at 19,326.57


Stock Market reading is inconclusive because of inadequate consideration.  Here are some possible up values :

Ford at 11.67

Berkshire Hathaway A at 412,760

Berkshire Hathaway B at 272.67

Down liklihood 

GM at 32.89

Textron at 59.84

DJIA at 30,179.46

Costco at 465.35 

Reading on October 23

Shows DJIA potentially up.  Slow and delayed.  However, sequence is on top so Dow Jones will be up on December 1.

Berskhire Hathaway A is up again.  Strong value and sequence.

Berkshire Hathaway B is up again in value and sequence

Costco shows signs of improving.

Down again for For GM and Textron


Class A picks :  Berkshire Hathaway A and Berkshire Hathaway B


Tampa Bay defeats Calgary

Carolina defeats Colorado

Dallas defeats Florida

Montreal defeats Columbus

New Jersey defeats Toronto

Philadelphia defeats Boston

Anaheim defeats Winnepeg

Nashville  defeats NY Islanders

That concludes a reading in sports hockey.  I'm not enjoying this very much.  Seems out of kilter.  I'm only doing this for the money and status at the moment.  Inspired by the theory that providing what people want is more important than enjoying my work.  A harsh approach to winning.  I guess it works.   

Ford is up in value and sequence.

Predictions on November 1 using Tarot

Gill deck was not very conclusive value and sequence were contradictory

Ford did well

DJIA was high in value but low in seqence.  A loss

Berkshire Hathaway A has high value and medium sequence.  

Textron was about even


Same inconsitacny

Etherium is top but inconclusive

Etherium Classic

Dogecoin is good

Cardano is good

Cosmos is good

Ravencoin is high in value but low in sequence

Bitcoin is weak 


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