Friday, November 18, 2022


 Call to resume predictions came early in the morning and I did not write down the date and time.  I only include this at this point to confirm or adjust later readings which I will document.  Approximate date in future to confirm would be December 1st.  

Cryptocurrency as an interest for my readers.  

Strongly up will be :

(values were written at time of reading)

Polka dot at 6.19

Cosmos at 11.89

Ravencoin at 0.03112

Strongly down will be: 

Ethereum at 1,316.22

Etherium Classic at 23.21

Tether at 1.00

Gain will be Cardano at 0.37 

Maintaining will be Dogecoin at 0.0592

Bitcoin at 19,326.57


Stock Market reading is inconclusive because of inadequate consideration.  Here are some possible up values :

Ford at 11.67

Berkshire Hathaway A at 412,760

Berkshire Hathaway B at 272.67

Down liklihood 

GM at 32.89

Textron at 59.84

DJIA at 30,179.46

Costco at 465.35 

Reading on October 23

Shows DJIA potentially up.  Slow and delayed.  However, sequence is on top so Dow Jones will be up on December 1.

Berskhire Hathaway A is up again.  Strong value and sequence.

Berkshire Hathaway B is up again in value and sequence

Costco shows signs of improving.

Down again for For GM and Textron


Class A picks :  Berkshire Hathaway A and Berkshire Hathaway B


Tampa Bay defeats Calgary

Carolina defeats Colorado

Dallas defeats Florida

Montreal defeats Columbus

New Jersey defeats Toronto

Philadelphia defeats Boston

Anaheim defeats Winnepeg

Nashville  defeats NY Islanders

That concludes a reading in sports hockey.  I'm not enjoying this very much.  Seems out of kilter.  I'm only doing this for the money and status at the moment.  Inspired by the theory that providing what people want is more important than enjoying my work.  A harsh approach to winning.  I guess it works.   

Ford is up in value and sequence.

Predictions on November 1 using Tarot

Gill deck was not very conclusive value and sequence were contradictory

Ford did well

DJIA was high in value but low in seqence.  A loss

Berkshire Hathaway A has high value and medium sequence.  

Textron was about even


Same inconsitacny

Etherium is top but inconclusive

Etherium Classic

Dogecoin is good

Cardano is good

Cosmos is good

Ravencoin is high in value but low in sequence

Bitcoin is weak 


Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 This project will benefit the curious adventurer and the interested entrepreneur of reduced risk and increased opportunity. 

My record, at some point, improved when I shifted from the generic method given here to the more specifically DNA and family lineage use of runes.  Expertise in Tarot also worked better later.  First, here is the generic approach.


Methods of predicting the future are varied.  Factors of measurable results with a data base are the themes of these early experiments.  The methodologies used will be described and predictions made.  Early mention that there are variables to the quality of proof that could be influenced by 1. the method 2. the ability of the individual and 3. other variables in place and time.




Probabilities of events may be determined in advance through various techniques and confirmations. This will be focused upon measurable results through predicting sports events or other events in the future. Categories of confirmation through multiple sources will place certain results as more likely than others. Not a 100 per cent assurance because the nature of ongoing efforts and free will in time can change outcomes toward success. The measurability of objective data might also be used for confirmation of more subjective interests.


This 'Remote Prediction' phenomenon maintains a distinction from the scientific protocols of 'remote viewing' as it is known today. I will use methods that have been proven in previous experiments of my own and within the area of Divination and parapsychology.

In the context of predicting the future there are some fascinating sources for research that use the language and methods of science. Not that 'science' has any absolute authority over how we perceive our lives or our conduct. To accept any organizational/political agenda for correct education would limit us far too much and might be detrimental to the individual purpose. Science is also amenable to change through an evolutionary process. What is assigned as 'true' today might be stated as 'incorrect' tomorrow. That which the board of science scoffs at today might be an approved and proven hypothesis tomorrow.

Having stated this caveat, the protocols and methods of statistical research has a value. I'm using my interest in the Remote Viewing science and protocols and the statistical verification of measurable results. Also an early way of recording cartomancy layouts for later reference that I developed from "The Cybernetic ESP Breakthrough" by K. Sabin.

Here is a method of double verification Remote Prediction using an ordinary deck of playing cards. This has the advantage of a generic familiarity. No particular reference to a specific esoteric doctrine is needed here. Skills in the science and art of Remote Viewing would enhance the readers ability to connect with a future event in terms of perceived images that are coordinates.

I originally used the NFL football teams because I have no knowledge of football or certainly no knowledge of the players and teams of today. What I work with is a clear image of a team logo, date and location for a game. The results are based upon two, maybe three, factors. The card value is considered first. Then all cards are again placed for sortilage. They are selected in sequence of favorable performance and events. When a high card value matches a high sequential order, a high likelihood of success is indicated. A direct perception where I gazed at the team logos for a revelation of a winner was sometimes used as an additional method.

I have also used NASCAR racing because I can clearly visualize the cars by color and sponsor. Major League Baseball also has definite logos that I can visualize to tune into the team beforehand. I have no expertise in either NASCAR or Major League Baseball that would influence my perception. The team logos for NHL hockey also works. I have even less knowledge of hockey than other sports.


This work is inspired by the Remote Viewing phenomenon and some experience with cartomancy as a tool for prediction. The work is outside the very defined characteristics and science of Remote viewing protocols. Remote Viewing is a precise science and no claims are made here that I have adhered to the programs of professionals in the field. My interest is in aspects of psi and time as they can be observed in certain states and with certain techniques.

For this prediction method I use a deck of ordinary playing cards like those used in poker. Each card is given a valuation. Ace, King, Queen etc are the values at the highest and descending in value. The order of value is highest in the suit of hearts. Following that are diamonds, clubs, and spades. This is an arbitrary valuation for purposes of subconscious or subspace Mind attribution only. Another method could have been used as long as it is understood and consistent.

A card is chosen by sortilege for each aspect. The name of the card is written down. Then when a sufficient number of aspects or choice fields are chosen, they are shuffled as a group and arranged face down. Then a sequence order is chosen at random. Pick up a card that seems like it might be the highest for success or strongest option. The results will be that each aspect choice will have a card value and a sequence value. For example if a card has the highest value and also is sequenced first there is a great probability of success for that aspect.

Before giving the data for my more recent experiments I will state something about my results in previous years. This data is available on my email records. I realize that this does not eliminate faking the records because a person could send several emails predicting different results and choosing the most accurate. I have not done that.

The 2011 - 2012 NFL season gave results of an overall accuracy above 60% and an accuracy for the class A ratings of nearly 80%. There was a higher category of confirmation that would yield 100% and then disappoint to below 50% on a subsequent week. This subsequent poor showing was followe again by very high accuracy. This could be attributed to causal factors of the state of mind and environmental quality as a variable when I was doing the predictive readings. The first year with NFL predictions included nearly every team in nearly every game. This was exhausting and I reduced the schedule and number of teams for the next year.

The 2012 - 213 NFL records were not nearly as complete and I can only state an accuracy of about 60%.

My main success was picking the winner of the Daytona 500 in February of 2012. This was out of 43 drivers and team cars. I should also state that the driver I selected to finish 2nd finished last. Most of my top picks finished well.

In the Kentucky Derby I was challenged by even less knowledge of horse racing than other sporting events. It was difficult to visualize the stable's colors. I tried this two years and each year my winner pick only showed. However the first year I rejected my first predictive reading of the winner because subsequent sessions did not verify.

More recent attempts at college basketball and Major League Baseball were inconclusive except that about 60% still equals what most successful sports handicappers accomplish.

Before I get into the more careful record keeping and reports I am doing now I have one more anecdotal report about my recent experiences. I have a statement about the nature of gambling that will follow later. However, I did use an expansive and complex method of choosing lucky numbers for keno machines. At first I did very well and eventually made slight gains. This was followed by a period of taking slight losses and concluded with my stopping when I broke even.


This subject of remote prediction could be given different titles as learning and skills progress. It is only somewhat based upon the technical and historical phenomenon of Remote Viewing. And there are distinctions between what I am doing and my previous experience with the Cybernetic ESP cartomancy method. This new approach has established an effective frame of reference in my own thoughts and therefore has a model for the conscious, subconscious, and Superconscious to work with.

Here I will be including some previous notes so that I get organized and ready for a professional copy for money. Money should be more integrated into the Mystic and practical aspects of real life.

I'm noting here that my experiment in predicting sports events through vizualization, perception, and sortilege with guided selection was enacted a couple years before finding that a Remote Viewing instruction site has a name for this process. Or at least for the attempt to remote view a sports event and results. I have found reference to this general type of prediction given the name "Associative Remote Viewing" on the RVIS website. Associative Remote Viewing uses protocols that are entirely different than my method. ARV uses no connecting images or consideration of teams or players involved. My method makes links with images, locations, and events scheduled.


As I have done before, I am now researching the upcoming NASCAR Daytona 500 with the new car design and new team color designs. These next few days will be to familiarize myself with the NASCAR drivers and color schemes on the cars. I will not make any predictions because on Thursday there are twin qualifying races and the elements of those races could be a factor in the reading.

My reporting of results will be anecdotal right now until I have more time and expertise to present the mathematics of probability theory that this experiment brings to my learning curve. In the realm of hypothesis and frame of reference, I maintain that the background of various researchers differs whether their philosophical approach has a particular theological approach or might be based upon a bias toward standard 'science' as defined. I agree with Joseph McMoneagle that it is better to have some philosophical and ethical background when entering into the field of parapsychology. To accept any particular insistance by the worldview of someone else without due consideration of one's own perceptions and ethics would be lazy and irresponsible. To avoid this I will present my own philosophical dynamics as a basis for my work.

My early perceptions of parapsychology were that it offered an affirmation that life is good. There is a Source that is omnipresent and available toward our wellness and growth. This is in contradiction to the manipulative and abusive dogmas and organizations that oppose parapsychology. These dogmas can be from limited religions, modern science, or societal / political agendas. Philosophy informed by Quantum research and Mind Science offered me an alternative to an oppressive and depressing religious agenda. At first, my escape to higher concepts might not have been sophisticated but the beginner's mind often contains an advanced appreciation for what is to be learned. It took some time to define my quest and to find allies along the way. Here are some of them.

My own Ancestral Heritage as encoded in my DNA and Tradition through the ages that has helped us survive and evolve. This best represented by Asatru. The real work in awakening the philosophy and religion of the more Ancient Ways is gaining after a simplified yet authentic introduction to our Gods and Folkways. The forced denial of who we are by alien manipulators has been overcome. By taking back our Tradition we are free to recognize that this has always been our Source and we are free to advance in an integrated culture that evolves toward our Higher purpose. That is what I maintain. At this point I mostly appreciate the work of others. I am making some contributions myself.

Theoretical Physics and truly open science and research has offered some frame of reference for those of us who insist that life has meaning. Evolutionary anthropology in the field of public education could take back our hope from the standard educators who had an agenda for our demise. We don't have to accept this demise just because it is politically popular. In the area of politics there are now more options available for those of us who observe and think.

The philosophy of Martin Heidegger has provided some practical ways of being in a world that is both created by myself and influenced by the presence of others. This reaches upward toward a Higher directive that has technical Heideggerian terminology that I will mention elsewhere. The point is that Heidegger understood the force of words and how by using a more archetypal language in conjunction with creative reconstruction of new words we could step outside of previous limitations.

In previous decades I was an early proponent of what came to be known later as , "The Law of Attraction." This was something I appreciated in the works of Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. In fact, within many pages of "Think and Grow Rich" there are references to 'the secret' that the reader was to discover for himself. The title of the best seling New Age book that came later owes much to this. I also learned "Science of Mind" principles. All this learning of an immediately related mind science and theoretical possibilities showed me how to escape an oppressive oriental religion.

I also studied High Magic in various presentations on my way to finding my own Ancestral Magic in runes and Germanic religion. The initiatory and religious qualities of runes and the Germanic Gods as we reawaken to them stands in its own place above the very interesting field of generic parapsychology. I am hopeful that each discipline can inform and evolve the other.

I am unique in not being limited by the standard New Age dogmas that were introduced by Theosophy, Oriental nihilism, and superficial Christian rules. My Germanic people saw nothing wrong with using probability advantages or living life as a successful gamble. Strength was admired and aspired toward in the physical ambitions of farm and business. To maintain this advantage a marital strength was also practiced. Gambling was a passion of the Germanic peope according to Edred Thorsson and it indicated 'the strength of a person's essential being'. To paraphrase his expression of this. Luck was a more profound concept to the Ancient Folk than our limited understanding of a disconnected randomness today. I have the advantage of seeing Remote Prediction and Parapsychology in general as a gift and skill that could be ethically used for profit.

To step beyond the safe and familiar is necessary for success. The risks should be managed to an acceptable level by sound reasoning and advanced guidance. Hopefully, it is this advanced guidance that we contact through our methods of constructive parapsychology.

Gambling has been mentioned here as a means of verification or dismissal. I find it works in the affirmative since I met my love from long ago in a casino and she showed me how to operate a keno and poker machine. The big winnings were an indicator of many months of enjoying each others company that would follow. I began an experiment on my own with limited investment into the machines based upon my method of Remote Prediction and Cybernetic ESP Cartomancy. This determined which of 6 to 9 numbers would be fortunate if used on the keno board. I did not use poker because there is no choice of selections as used in keno. At first I would break even or leave with about double the same small amount I invested. This mainly indicated that the determination of likely dominant numbers was accurate. Then I made some large wins with minimum actually money invested. Now I am back to breaking even. There was also an occasion when I was only breaking even on the machine yet a 'coincidental' or synchronistic meeting at the casino resulted in fortunate financial gain when it was needed most.

However, I'm mainly interested in verifiable probability exercises. I use prediction of sports events. I was doing considerable work with data in this area before I found that someone had named it. Some websites refer to what they call Associative Remote Viewing as one of the types. My own approach is technically not Remote Viewing since I do not strictly adhere to the protocols. I will call my approach 'Associative Remote Prediction' since there are results that will be in the nature of checking for correct observations. I have also added Cartomancy for further methods of prediction of probabilities and verification when successful.

I have sometimes done predictive readings for people on general and specific life circumstances and questions and followed with something less subjective by including a sports prediction. This is best if done as close to the time of the reading as possible. This is an experimental method.

Some Notes on Gambling.

Without being willing to gamble on making an endeavor nothing would be created toward accomplishment. To live actively is to take a chance. Usually we know that we are working with very good odds. Most of life is successful by nature. It is actually rare that the odds go against us. When we want to advance to a higher level we must move beyond the familiar and make a gamble. I think we should keep contact with the familiar if we know we seem to be blessed there. Sometimes we are actually prompted to make and adventure and try for gains in areas where success is not guaranteed. Therefore we know that the force which prompts us to a new adventure also will advance the opportunities for success. When we meet with failure we can try to get on course toward those opportunities again.

It is said that the Germanic tribes could be obsessed with gambling. This is true in other cultures also. I'm not sure obsession is a good idea and I think that if we look at the leaders of those cultures we could see a shrewd attention to the odds and a psychic connection to making the better deal. This is why they used Divinatiion as one of their strategies in determining success in advance.

In much more practical terms for most people today this might mean determining ahead how much one could afford to lose without damaging one's conditions. With a little extra an endeavor of gambling could be tried. In advance there could be a method of seeking the advantage of advance information. That is where Remote Prediction and Cartomancy could be used. When the data arrives through this method attention to the information of intuition could also be used.

It is Luck in the most profound aspect that determines where one's life will go. Looking back there is a more obvious influence of luck that is apparent. What I'm endeavoring to do here is look to the more obvious opportunities for luck in the future. Attention to appreciation for the past and present with informed faith toward the future is how to live in a state of wealth. An educated gamble can be made. There will be eventual success.

(From March of 2017)

I'm not one to define 'science' or claim that I'm in that field of strict protocols.  I doubt that even scientists are in full agreement about what they do.  I'm posting this excellent study in paranormal science because it describes what I'm doing with my experiments.

              Image from "Paranormal Research & the Scientific Method" by Michael J. Baker. 

I don't claim to absolutely follow this formula.  We do the best we can with where we in our evolution toward remembering something we know.  Here is a link to "Paranormal Research & The Scientific Method" by Michael J. Baker.

My approach involves something of the adventurous explorer and the gambler.  There is a rush of excitement and a hope and a willingness to see what did or did not work.  Adjustments toward improvement are a challenge.  White lab coats and academic letters are not necessary to the entrepreneur in a scientific field. There will be future experiments that can either verify or challenge toward better methods.  There will also be articles and thought that recall works from the past that has confirmed our interest.  There will also be articles about ongoing philosophical considerations that offer hope in potential direction.