Sunday, December 2, 2018


Using Rune Lots
Method of perceptual influence.  I have intuitions about stocks that will do well in the economy.  Some I follow because they coincide with my interests.  There are also companies that I would like to see corrected.  Some companies I hope will thrive.  I assign a positive or negative number value to them depending on my preference.  I then do a rune lot reading and record by numerical value how they are predicted by approximate rune value and sequence.

On November 23 I did a reading and sent an email for later verification.  My original intention of testing the influence of 'preference' in results was not feasible because I could not find sufficient stock exchange listings for companies in the opposition.  This will be possible later.  However, most of the stocks listed are companies I intuited will do well or that I approve of.  The exceptions are Facebook and Twitter because of their censorship and hypocrisy.  I would hope the DJIA would do well but it looks like it will be down during this period.  I avoided an end of the year prediction because of the volatility that such time markers can elicit. 

To monitor my results please look at the closing stock quotes on November 23 and compare them to the closing quotes on December 14.     

On December 14 there will be the following results in the stock market.
Textron                        +3
Berkshire Hathaway A   +3
Chrysler                        +2
Facebook                      +1
Twitter                            -3
Fox                               +2
Home Depot                   +2
Herbalife                         +1
DJIA                                -2

My preferred stocks will outperform the Dow Jones Industrial Average


  1. I was incorrect about Textron, Berkshire Hathaway A , Chrysler, and Twitter Inc. I was correct about Facebook, Fox, Home Depot, and Herbalife. Although the Dow Jones was up slightly for the time period I gave myself a 'correct' score because the steady rise of the DJIA had some unexpected and dramatic declines during that period. I could grade myself 55%. There seems to be some influence from the 'intuitive' and 'preference' categories.

  2. Oops. I looked at yesterday's closing quotes thinking it was Friday the 14th. There is not much change with today's closing quotes except that the Dow is indeed down considerably. The qualifier I included yesterday is not necessary now. Also, Chrysler is within a few cents of the beginning price and is basically in the unchanged category. I could raise my rating to 62%.
