Jeffrey Mishlove hosted a PBS television series called 'Thinking Allowed' which aired from 1986 to 2002. Those were heady times with a burgeoning theoretical science that pushed the limits of the possible. A New Age culture would develop from this that held fascination for many of my contemporaries. Jeffrey Mishlove interviewed people like Joseph Campbell, Russel Targ, Terence McKenna, Colin Wilson, and Jean Houston. He is continuing interviews with luminaries today.
Dr. Misholove has a new series called "New Thinking Allowed" and is on the board of directors of The Rhine Research Center. His work will also be found mentioned in the Institute of Noetic Science and The Parapsychological Association. He has one of the originil Ph.D. certificates in parapsychology awarded from an accredited university.
The New Thinking Allowed series features the current leading thinkers and practitioners of today.
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