Saturday, May 6, 2017


Success and failure of attempts are evident in measurable data.  This has an objective quality that is the reason for my binary predictions and the more experimental selected comparison efforts.  There were some successful results in prediction accuracy and there is something to learn from them.  There is also much to learn from abject failure. 
The failure of the combined percentage data of my effort is what I'll address here in both personal terms and theoretical terms about the nature of what is accessible in through sortilege as a connection.  Taken in isolation some experiments had a percentage of accuracy on the positive side.  When adding up the results of all experiments so far, the results are dismal.  First the dismal. Then an observation.
Teutonic Stave Set
Stave Value Judgement 51%
Sequence  45%
Class A  42%
Rook Cards
Card Value  41%
Sequence  49%
Class A  25%
Ordinary Playing Cards
Card Value  45%
Sequence  50%
Class A  75%
Rune Lots
Lot Value Judgement  50%
Sequence  66%
Class A  66% 
The conclusion drawn is that I'm not suited for this aspect of paranormal sortilege.  This does not mean it is not possible for others.  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  There are complex factors that could be attributed and graphed as I've posted in some legitimate science protocols like I've posted on this site.  One factor is my state of health at the time.  Another factor would be my actual strength of training for perceptive and resonant response.  This could be improved.
A more theoretical speculation when viewing the high rate of success with the early Teutonic Stave Set results would be an experienced Spiritual resonance with the Mythic Archetype that informs the person.  I also did well with the predictions of the Nascar race in predicting the winner of the flight of ten.  The data for Rune Lots aspect was not as large a sample as other techniques but the success rate is high. My interest in stock car racing has a history.  I know the sport and some of the personal and team stories.  Therefore there might be a stronger resonance than with hockey which doesn't interest me at all.  I thought this disinterest would make me more objective, but objectivity showed itself less reliable than actual interest and focus.  More about that later.  
I have a theory that the Superconscious is more concerned with what should concern us than in odds gambling.  Even in experiments not connected to gambling.  Communication is available if it is important.  Thus I will continue to use Divinatory techniques in that context.  In contrast to that, my efforts to create a career here will need to be abandoned until I get greater skill.  It has been interesting.    

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