Experiments in methodology include specific card or stave sets that are consulted. The ordinary playing cards have a longer period of use for me so they might be more strongly programmed for me than the Rook cards. The Teutonic Stave Set will have the most Spiritual connection to my magico-religious history. The question is how to use them for such mundane purposes and will there be a response.
Varying techniques are attempted with ordinary playing cards. Here we need to look at the concepts of 'subconscious' and 'Superconscious' as the guidance for the field of selection. I prefer to think that in these particular sessions the Superconscious is the guiding selector. The subconscious can be so personal that both glories and flaws are functioning. With the Superconscious the field of Consciousness in general is all-inclusive. Space and time are non-local. We are everywhere. In this life we are required to focus.
I used a shuffle technique rather than the fanning technique to get the following results. I tried this because when I first became obsessed with reading cards I only used shuffling and that might have gotten programmed for effectiveness. This was in the early 1970s. When I resumed readings this way in a moderate way a few years ago I went to a fanning and selection technique.
Ordinary playing cards. Shuffle technique
Ordinary playing cards. Fanning for selection
Class A
Rook cards
Class A
Teutonic Stave Set
Class A
The entire use of various methods is not only being used to 'hedge my bets'. These are experiments in different methods. Duplication of result in mathematical terms give a 'score' for who I would predict as winners if I had to.
The predictions are:
Buffalo defeats St. Louis
Detroit defeats Washington
Montreal defeats Winnipeg
Edmonton defeats Chicago
The results after this day's games show definate lack of connection on my part. This does not negate the potential for sortilege as a predictive tool, but rather my own ability with conditions at this time.
ReplyDeleteThere were three mediums used. Ordinary playing cards, Rook cards, and my Teutonic Stave Set. Best overall results were with the Teutonic Stave Setwith a 5 - 3 correct or incorrect result.
Two aspects are considered. Value on a positive scale and Sequence in a selection scale. After the team is assigned a value there is a re-sorting and the cards or staves are chosen with "Who is having the best day, who is having the second best day" etc. If both the value and the selection sequence indicate a winner it is given a Class A status. The total class A record is 4 - 3.
The shuffle only technique with ordinary playing cards resulted in 1 correct and 3 wrong. This was the worst showing
With ordinary playing cards the results were : Value - 1 correct, 3 wrong. Sequence - 2 correct, 2 wrong. Class A - 1 correct, 2 wrong.
With Rook cards the results were: Value - 2 correct, 2 wrong. Sequence - 3 correct, 1 wrong. Class A - 1 correct
With the Teutonic Stave Set the results were: Value - 3 correct, 1 wrong. Sequence - 2 correct, 2 wrong. Class A- 2 correct, 1 wrong.
It seems The Teutonic Stave Set showed the best results.
The Class A total for all methods was 4 - 3.
The only bright spot in this session was the final list of choices using mathematical scores combined with a prediction of 3 correct and 1 wrong.
On a philosophical note we must appreciate that predestination is subject to desired changes through effort in meeting challenges and victory in the moment. Randomness is necessary for the Universe to function as a place to evolve and experience.