A keen interest, dedication, and ambition toward bettering our lives for those around us is a motivating force that always shows results. I often look to a fortunate past for evidence of the possible... and to keep myself on track for creating high quality. My family and extended family were home builders at their peak in the 1950s and early 1960s. Today these homes are known for their enduring quality and craftsmanship. From out of the Great Depression, and World War II three brothers and a cousin began taking the risk of acquiring land and constructing houses. They had a heritage of hard work.
I mention this because holding oneself to high standards is a road to success. Improving the odds of success is a manifold purpose of our gifts of perception through our connection to Infinite Mind.
It is not my destiny to be a home builder at this time. Yet the qualities of excellence from my personal heritage and the American heritage should still be emulated. So if my results and efforts fall short it is with a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset that I will go forward.
Somewhere in the links that I've posted previously, there is an excellent example of charts, graphs, and data that describe the exact conditions of experiments. Date, time, environmental factors and a host of conditions that might be variables are given. This type of precise science is not within my purview at this time. I'll post that example of data research when I find it.
Results of my experiments are verifiable if we do not preclude the potential for editing a blog site to fit certain factors. I had the same caution with using emails as 'proof' of results. A person could send more than one email and cover the odds. My purpose is not pure science (I find dogmatic science boring and stifling) so I'm going to post the resulting data from my experiments.
A judgement of abject failure is required for an honest appraisal toward continuing in this direction. There is one area of success that poses interesting potential for how to proceed with Divination in its best form. There is also an area of promise toward making sortilege more accurate. First the areas of failure.
Using Ordinary Playing Cards. Accuracy Percentage
Card Value : 40% Sequence : 50% General : 66% Class A : 100%
Using the numerical Rook cards. Accuracy percentage
Card Value : 50% Sequence : 33% General 55% Class A : 25%
Next, the area of success.
The area of success with sortilege.
Teutonic Stave Set. Accuracy percentage
Stave Value : 87% Sequence : 80% Class A : 85%
This could mean that I need a larger sampling for gathering data. It could also mean that personal spiritual resonance is a factor in working with the Superconscious. My personal choice of metaphysical definition is in the Germanic faith and the ancient code known as runes. The Teutonic Stave set also features aspects of the Germanic understanding of the personal soul complex and the geomythic model of the Multiverse. I have the data through saved emails that shows previous years also showed a much higher rate of success with the Germanic sortilege method.
Another area of experimentation not recorded here involves arranging the cards in an orderly way before a shuffle and selection so that the subconscious mind has a previous view of how the cards are stacked. This is an adjustment of technique that I will use should I continue with the generic method of sortilege prediction.